Within 7 Days You'll Have 
The Tools To Take Back Control Of Your Health

 "Improve Your Health And Kick Fear, Stress, Overwhelm, Uncertainty And Dis-ease To The Kerb!"... In The Next 7 Days ... Develop Resilience, Get Control Back Over Your Health, And Start Living A Vibrant Life!"
Next Challenge Starting on 10th January 2021
You will begin immediately with the Pre-Training when you invest... so that when the challenge starts you will be 100% prepared!
Want an "unfair advantage" with your health?
Would more energy improve your health?

Want to be free from your aches and pains?

Do you sometimes feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or depressed about your current health and life situation ... but know it's something you have to overcome to live your full potential?

If so, then you're going to LOVE the Heal & Elevate Your Life Challenge that's changing lives for good!
My name is Sue Moore.
This is my personal invite for you to join something I call the Heal & Elevate Your Life Challenge...

Because you answered "YES" to any of the questions above, then I know something about you...

You have the desire to live a VIBRANT LIFE...

You have the ability to 'take back control of your health and life'.

And you know the right way to do that is with healing and elevating your life! 
Want an "unfair advantage" with your marketing?
Would more, better-engaged traffic help grow your business?

How to build a real, loyal audience of followers?

Do you sometimes get overwhelmed by the thought of creating videos... but know it's something you have to do if you really want to succeed?

If so, then you're going to LOVE the Videos Gamechanger Challenge that's changing video marketing for good!
My name is Peng Joon.
This is my personal invite for you to join something I call The Videos Gamechanger Challenge...

Because you answered "YES" to any of the questions above, then I know something about you...

You have the desire to do BIG THINGS...

You have a story and a message that needs to be heard...

And you know the right way to do that is with video marketing!
But, a few simple things are holding you back. . .and it isn't happening as quickly as you'd like.
Here's the TRUTH:
What do all the entrepreneurs, sales pros, and business owners that’re killing it online have in common?
They all do video marketing.

Not just that, they do it strategically.  

From small, local businesses…all the way up to the giants.
Me, personally? I have tens of millions of views on some of my videos…and others have completely bombed. 

It took me a long, long time to figure this out. 

I used to launch terrible videos and just try to see what would stick…and found myself feeling lost and overwhelmed! 

It wasn’t until I stopped trying to make one-sized-fits all videos…and really started making them for my specific viewer

Suddenly, I knew exactly what to say and the videos just flowed…every time. 

High-level folks pay me $10,000 or more for me to privately expose some of my secrets.
Best Part?
My videos are a hit, that bring me quality leads and customers, every single time. 

Now, I want to help you do the same...
What if you had ALL your marketing videos done, strategically, in just a few minutes per day?

Well that’s what THIS challenge is designed to do!
Here's how it works
Each day for the next 21 days. . .

I'll send you a quick instruction video where's I'll challenge you to take JUST one quick video. . And that's it!

. . and nope, they do NOT have to be perfect!
This is NOT going to be a
like every other course out there teaching how to create videos...
Instead, we're going to leverage on my #1 secret (that took me years to figure out), and we're going to create videos for the 3 PHASES of TRAFFIC :
Cold Audiences
 Objective        : Awareness
 Video Topics : Problem & Solution
Warm Audiences
    Objective        : Engagement
    Video Topics : Origin Story
Hot Audiences
       Objective          : Conversion
       Videos Topics : Objection Killing
You'll have 7 videos created per phase, 21 total videos done in just 21 days!

In other words, instead of just cranking out videos for the sake of creating them, we'll have the RIGHT message delivered at the RIGHT time!

Once you join I'll explain more about exactly what to say in your videos, how to monetise them [withOUT being salesy], and where to post them, and a lot more!

Most courses out there you’d pay $2,000 or more don’t deliver even CLOSE to the no-nonsense value you’re about to get…for a FRACTION of that price!
But, a few simple things are holding you back. . .and it isn't happening as quickly as you'd like.
Here's the TRUTH:
What do healthy people have in common?
They all look after their body, mind and spirit!

Not just that, they have the tools to adjust themselves moment by moment, throughout the day.

From individuals … all the way up to the 'health gurus'.
Me, personally? I have developed a holistic approach to health that enables me to eat intuitively, have no 'dis-ease symptoms', be aware of my thoughts and emotions so that I can live each day feeling happy and blessed.

This is my wish for you too. :) 
Best Part?
My holistic health approach keeps me calm and centred throughout the day. 

Now, I want to help you do the same...
It took me a long, long time to figure this out. 

I used to feel stressed at work, emotionally ate and binge drinking at weekends to block 'my life' out. 

I lived in fear of what other people thought of me, 'dimmed my own light' so much that I lived out other people's dreams not my own.

I found myself feeling lost, overwhelmed and then received a diagnosis of MS ... as they found 8 lesions on my brain! 
I Finally Stopped Looking For An External Solution And Looked Within 

It wasn’t until I stopped looking for an 'external' solution … and started looking within myself that things started to shift. 

I developed tools that helped me stay strong physically, mentally and emotionally no matter what was happening in my external world. 

Now I'm symptom free with clear MRI scans for the past 7 years and coach other people to live a healthy, vibrant life on their terms.  
Within 7 Days You'll Have 
The Tools To Take Back Control Of Your Health
What if you were able to live pain free and fall in love with life again?

Well that’s what THIS challenge is designed to do!
This is NOT going to be a 
like other health courses out there...

WHY .... because you are as unique as your own fingerprint

So we're going to leverage a health secret (that took me years to figure out) and focus on your:
Each Day We'll Focus On A Different Area 
  • Day 1 - Nutrition
  • Day 2 - Physical Health 
  • Day 3 - Mental Health
  • Day 4  - Emotional Health
  • Day 5 - Evolution
  • Day 6 - Your Healthy Vision For Your Future
  • Day 7 - Your Own Health Blueprint
  • And So Much More...
You'll have the tools and knowledge to get your physical health back on track, overcome the emotions that have been keeping you stuck, develop the resilience to deal with any external situation and much more ... in just 7 days!

In other words, instead of just reacting to your current health and life challenges, you will feel calm and centred, knowing that YOU have the innate ability to improve your health, your lifestyle, reduce stress AND stay well for life!

So ... Let Me Ask You ...
Do You Want A Framework To Heal, Take Your Health To The Next Level 
And Live A Vibrant Happy Life Without Paying A Fortune? 
Here's What You'll Get With The
Heal & Elevate Your Life Challenge
7 Daily Video Teachings 
You're get daily videos on each topic showing you how you can make small simple changes in your health that will have a lasting impact in your life. VALUE - $350
 7 Daily Worksheets
A summary of each  video teaching with exercises, tips and strategies that you can incorporate in your daily life. VALUE - $140
Live Online Training With Me
At the end of the challenge, join me for a live online training where we're go deeper into each topic so you can elevate your health and life to the next level. VALUE - $250
 YOU PAY =  ONLY $27!
Here's What You'll Get With The
Videos Gamechanger Challenge
As If That Wasn't Enough, There Are Prizes To Be Won!
Ticket to My 5 Day Immersion Training on the Latest Traffic, Conversions, Systems and Strategies.
$9,997 Value
Personal Consultation to Work One-on-One with Peng Joon on Any Topic of Your Choice.
$5,000 Value
The Proven Sales Formula Used Online and Offline Without Being Sleazy, Pushy or Manipulative.
$1,997 Value
Here's a brief preview of what Gamechangers said:
Here Is the "My Dog Ate It" Guarantee
Try the ENTIRE THING for 30 FULL days, risk free! Join the challenge, participate, implement and AND jump on the ‘success call’ at the end... After completing all of those, if you feel like this isn't the greatest training of it's kind, I'll send you all your money back.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. All you need to do is to email me with your receipt with the title "My Dog Ate It" and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

Sound more than fair?
'Heal & Elevate Your Life' Challenge by Sue Moore
2020 - All Rights Reserved.
Videos Gamechanger Challenge by Peng Joon
2019 -  All Rights Reserved.
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